Over the course of 10-days you will:
– learn to live more in the present moment
– begin to cultivate a mindset of calm
– understand the negative bias of the brain
– develop greater self-compassion
– learn to prioritise your wellbeing
– how to live with more purpose and meaning.

Who is this 10-day course for?
Everyone is welcome but it’s likely you’ll benefit from the course if you:
- Want to live more mindfully.
- Are committed to personal development.
- Are open and ready for change.
Course fee is covered when you subscribe to Insight Timer which is approximately $60 AUD per annum, giving you access to thousands of courses, including those by leading meditation teachers.
“What a fantastic course! It’s the best course I’ve taken on Insight Timer. I will be going through it again to reinforce some of the concepts.”
“Wonderful course. Really important lessons, delivered very effectively with pitch-perfect presentation. Thank you.”
“This was a wonderful course. I also love the meditations at the end of the sessions. I always felt really relaxed and positive at the end.”
If there’s something we haven’t answered, please reach out. We would love to hear from you.