Lisa Stockman is a leading personal stylist based in Melbourne. Lisa began her career in the fashion industry over 15 years ago, as a stylist and boutique owner. She’s a graduate of the Australian Style Institute and before starting her business, Lisa held global training roles in the retail sector. Her unique blend of skills and experience make her not only a talented personal stylist, but also a passionate educator.
When Lisa and I first spoke about doing this interview, it was evident that she genuinely cares about making a difference in her clients’ lives.
Like all of the women I work with, Lisa is open, humble and genuine. She wants to make the styling experience enjoyable and most importantly, she cares about helping women find a way to feel great about themselves through fashion.
Lisa has a unique approach and I think that after learning about how she works, you’re going to want to book an appointment to work with her, as I did after we’d spoken.
Can you tell us a little bit about your personal styling business and the clients you usually work with?
My personal styling business in Melbourne was a side hustle that started about 15 years ago when I owned a boutique in Melbourne and clients would then ask me to dress them for events and sort out their wardrobes. When I left that business and returned to the corporate world, I maintained those clients for over a decade and three years ago, decided it was time to take the plunge and follow my calling. Helping women step into their confidence through their style. The women I am fortunate to work with are incredible. Simply because they have decided to put themselves first, be vulnerable, and take the step of deciding who they want to be and how they want to feel. I use clothing as the vehicle. My clients come in all shapes, sizes, life circumstances but all have one thing in common. A change had happened, either from within or something external that has pushed them to take charge.
What do you love most about your work as a personal stylist?
I love so much about what I do. I think my gift is that I can see the beauty and authenticity within the person standing in front of me and I can picture how this will translate in style. Then the moment when I see a client in the fitting room, looking at themselves exactly as they’ve always dreamed is just magical. I wish I could bottle that feeling. When they step into their confidence and love what they see in the mirror – that brings me joy.
Connecting with my clients, hearing their stories, seeing them achieve what they set out to do is wonderful.
I also do love beautiful clothes and accessories, design, colour and the way an amazing outfit can transform how a person feels about themselves.
Where do you go for creative inspiration?
Travel is a huge inspiration for me but when I can’t get on a plane I try an expose myself to new surroundings whether it’s in nature, a new street with different shops or trying new hobbies, seeing new shows, or live music.
I love watching people. I’ll often sit somewhere busy and look at street fashion, seeing how people put outfits together, and how they interact with the world.
If I’m feeling stuck or have a creative block, I find exercise outside gets the ideas flowing.
What’s one piece of personal styling advice you’d share with most clients?
Always think in outfits! Whether you’re buying something new or deciding whether to cull something from your wardrobe, think of 3 things you can wear the item with. If you can’t easily outfit the item, you won’t wear it.
How do you maintain a sense of balance while working for yourself and being a mother?
This is a constant work in progress! My kids are now 14 and 17. They are super support to me and since I left the corporate world, the work-life balance I have is so much better. I am carving the life I want for myself and because I love my business, I am happier. I think I am a much better Mum now because of it. I can be there for my boys when they need me and they understand now when I need to focus on work. They are my biggest cheerleaders.
Exercise is really a non-negotiable for me and I recognise I need to factor this into my schedule for my physical and mental health.
The hardest part I find working for myself is having days off where I can actually switch off and not do something work-related. I’ll sometimes feel myself getting exhausted and realise I need to say no to things to allow myself the space to rest.
Lisa Stockman, Personal Stylist Melbourne
What are you listening to or reading at the moment?
I am a podcast addict! I listen to at least 1 per day. Some of my favourites are;
The Love Drive with Shaun Galanos; for advice on communication skills for better relationships. He is my not-so-secret crush!
Conversations with Richard Fidler; for fascinating stories about people and their lives
The Single Life of Us; dating over 40 – a hilarious and real look at finding love.
Saturn Returns with Caggie Dunlop; Exploring the challenges and opportunities that come with life changes.
I’m reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle – A book about trusting yourself, setting boundaries and becoming who you want to be. A must-read for any woman!
What’s one piece of advice you’d offer to someone wanting to go into their own business?
Be authentically you. It sounds so cliché but it’s likely there will be someone out there doing similar work to you. What sets you apart from anyone else is you – your character, your spirit, the essence of who you are.
I really believe the vibe attracts the tribe. When you do business from a place of authenticity, the right people will find you and support you. This only comes from being yourself. When you conduct business aligned with your core values, you’ll also know what you say yes and no to which is very empowering.
What’s one (or more) change you hope to make in the world through your work?
My mission is to help as many women as possible feel confident in themselves. When this happens, they can achieve anything they set out to do in life. I believe everybody no matter their life circumstance, deserves to feel fabulous. Through my work I want to give women the knowledge and skills to dress in a way that is authentic, empowering and helps them be seen for the amazing person they are.