At the outset of a new year, many of us feel the familiar pull to set goals, make new year’s resolutions or draft ambitious plans for the months ahead. We promise ourselves we’ll tackle the things we haven’t managed to achieve in previous years…
At the outset of a new year, many of us feel the familiar pull to set goals, make new year’s resolutions or draft ambitious plans for the months ahead. We promise ourselves we’ll tackle the things we haven’t managed to achieve in previous years…
While I was writing Quietly Confident, I researched many of the ‘self’ concepts. Self-awareness, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-belief, self-compassion, self-care, self-acceptance, self-worth, and self-respect. The difference between these phrases is subtle and nuanced but each is important in its own way. I’ve written about some…
When I was in my twenties and early thirties, I had a lot of people tell me, “you need to work out how to find your direction”. At the time, I felt completely lost and directionless, which was disheartening and stressful, especially when it…
In November 2012, I met with Sara Tiefenbrun at a local cafe to talk about the opening of the Melbourne branch of Alain de Botton’s The School of Life. To say I was excited is an understatement. I remember when I first discovered The School of…
A few years ago, I wrote an article about how to create a vision for your life and since then, I’ve been asked many times about whether long-term planning is a worthwhile exercise. After starting this process myself over twenty years ago, I can honestly…
Some years ago I worked with Annie, a woman in her late 60’s, who told me she wanted to be more courageous. “I don’t want to jump out of planes or learn public speaking,” she told me, “but I do want the courage to be…
According to a study conducted by Gallup a few years ago, only 20% of people can say that they have fulfilling careers. It’s important to note here that when the researchers use the term ‘career’, it’s not only paid work that counts. The focus included…
If you’re feeling stuck in your business and unsure of what’s next, a business coach can help you gain clarity about your direction and find the confidence to take the right steps. But with so many options available, how do you find a business coach…
I’m currently in Byron Bay, having just finished running a five day retreat. It’s been four years since we’ve been here and I had forgotten how truly restorative it is. It’s often not until we go on holiday or experience forced rest as a result…