Anthea and I met in late 2011 when I was interviewed about meditation on The Circle. As it turned out, we later discovered we have friends and clients in common and we live about five minutes from one another. Anthea is one of those warm and…
Anthea and I met in late 2011 when I was interviewed about meditation on The Circle. As it turned out, we later discovered we have friends and clients in common and we live about five minutes from one another. Anthea is one of those warm and…
Image courtesy of A Home With Soul Many of my coaching clients are sharing that they want to live a more spiritual life. It seems that they’re not the only ones. My daughter recently shared a New York research study with me that looked at…
When Louise Weigall first came to me for coaching (quite a few years ago now), she showed me a small folio of sketches she had done of her local neighbourhood. Her talent was amazing. And like so many of my creative clients, she was hesitant…
Often when we’re presented with an opportunity we’re not ready for or invited to take on a project that feels daunting, our initial response is to stay hidden, to sit back and let the opportunity pass. If you sometimes find yourself paralysed by self-doubt, here…
Sarah Fisher started her natural skincare range in Melbourne over a decade ago now. She first came to see me back in 2007 when she was trying to decide what to do next with her career. It wasn’t long before we both realised that working…
Research suggests that most of us would prefer to avoid difficult conversations altogether but if you’re someone who cares about creating and maintaining healthy and happy relationships, sometimes an uncomfortable conversation is inevitable. Over the years, I’ve learned some great tips from coaches and mentors…
Career dissatisfaction comes in different forms. You might feel fenced in when you’re at work or bored with your industry or role. Maybe you’re starved for professional growth and feel as though you’re currently stagnating. Or maybe you just fell into a career that was always a poor…
Resilience and failure are symbiotic, meaning the two exist because of one another; they grow as a result of each other. Your ability to build resilience relies on your ability to fail, and vice versa. Imagine two children in a classroom. One is a classic…
Steph Johnson came to see me earlier this year in a gap between lockdowns. I was immediately fascinated by her work. Like me, she has a passion for technology which lead her to use her astrology skills to build an astrology software consulting business three…